Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Leave it to Andrew to make my day go from depressing to over enjoyable! It started Tuesday morning at the Chiropractor. I had been having back pain for years, so I decided to go and start getting it fixed. The back pain didn't depress me, it was the fact that I am 27 lbs off balanced, meaning my right side holds 27 more pounds than my left side. When the Dr. told me that I about cried. I didn't know I was that bad off. I will know everything that is wrong with me on Friday when I go back. We're hoping it is just phase 1, which is where my disks in my back are just slightly closed and barely pinching my nerves, but he said it is possible for a 20 year old to have phase 2, which is osteo-arthritis, which you cant fix. He wouldn't know until he looked at the x-rays. So I'm hoping and praying it is just phase 1, and wish it wasn't either!
So the rest of the day Abigail and I went shopping for an outfit for mother's day (we always have tried to match mom). I was so tired and sore from what the doc had done to me and was ready to be done shopping and she kept saying no lets go here and then here. Well I didn't have a choice cause she was driving. Finally at our last destination we were looking for a specific color of a shirt and a man came up to us and asked us if we needed any help. So I turned around and was talking and said "yes I'm actually looking for the purple sec----" And that's when I realized who this man was. I was completely shocked! I couldn't  believe he pulled one off on me like that but I was so happy!!!!:))) He was even such a sweetheart and took Ronan from me, I didn't even ask him to, what a relief on my back though! I wish we couldve hung out for more than 20 mins but I enjoyed those 20 mins:) And to wrap the visit up he got me flowers. One had broken off on his way up here so I had a perfect place to put it, in my vent so I could think about him:))

Monday, April 16, 2012

I had an absolutely, wonderful weekend! I was able to see my three good friends from out of town, can you believe they wanted to see me?!lol Melissa Bruce and Julia Foster were able to come to our service Saturday night with the F.G.B.I. choir and group. Bro. Searcy from Oklahoma City, OK, brought his youth group for the third year in a row and preached Saturday night, Sunday morning and night. I only got to hear Saturday night and Sunday night. Saturday he preached about enough, do we really have enough of the Holy Ghost and power and do we have enough of God in this generation to take it to the next generation. Sunday night he preached conviction. It really hit me. He preached about the end times and really just gave a simple outline, but it cut deep to my heart when he said even Satan believes the Lord is coming back sooner than we do. You would have had to been there to feel the power and annointing in his message.

   Then to finish the weekend off with a smile, Andrew came up and spent the whole day with me. He has a lot of patience if he can do that!lol We didnt get a whole lot of time to sit down, he went with me on my bus route visitation, then we went to bass pro shops, then home and he helped me make last minute brownies for that night and even helped make chips-ahoy balls for Sunday! He's so amazing, I'm so glad I dont have to worry about finding the "right one" for me anymore!!;)

Monday, April 9, 2012

I just got home from Alabama late last night! Had a great time, but it was such a long quick trip I'm wore out! lol Some of the pictures above are from the trip. We visited my moms cousin in Wetumpka, and her brother on the lake near there. The first pic is kinda hard to see but its a really big catfish in the lake where my uncle had his boat. The second is the truck my uncle actually let me drive to lunch! Scary huh? He was wore out and made a big sigh and I was like "you want me to drive?", he said "You want to?" And how could I turn the offer down??lol It was fun driving it, I love big trucks!!:) The last pic is some crazy log statue at a seafood restaurant everyone got together to eat at.
I had an overall good time. My cousin Stephen was a crazy as ever...wouldn't leave me alone! He needs to pick on someone his own His son, Wesley took me back into the woods on an off trail ride on the four-wheeler! It was so crazy but so fun!! Then we switched places and we went on a country dirt road and got up to 55m.p.h. on it!!! talk about feeling free in the wind!!!
I am so glad to be home though. Nothing like your own bed and home:)

Friday, April 6, 2012

So I thought I would put some recent pictures of Andrew and me up, but then I realized I only had this recent one on my computer. I am so thankful that the Lord has brought us together. I truly have been blessed with such a man as him.:)

The Beginning!

So Michelle sent me an invite to her blog and I thought it was a good way to record memories. So here goes!!
I will start off with a little about me. I am 20, (almost 21):) the youngest of four in my family. (yes, the I happen to be dating a great, amazing man Andrew Sargent:) I am an auntie to one spoiled little nephew, and a neice on the way! (due July 18!) I am active in my home church youth group, on the bus route, and in the children's ministry.
I have been working since the beginning of the year for a wonderful family of a 6 month old little boy:)

I am originally from Temperance, MI, and moved to Toledo, OH when I was about 7/8 years old. I now reside in Louisville, KY, the place of terrible allergies!!lol.

That about sums me up! Keep checking back for updates!:)